Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Star Date 12 09 2019
Science Officer Russ Frizzell reporting:
Star Trek: Inspiring Culture and Technology 111
SmithsonianX: POPX5.1

Unit 2, Starlog Entry 1

 As we explore the frontier of space, how can we approach the peoples and environments that we encounter? Can we reconcile our instinct to explore with an awareness of our impact on space, planets, and potentially, other species?

As the year 2019 comes to a close, the people of Earth are setting the stage for our next “giant leap.” NASA and the China National Space Administration CNSA are racing to be first to establish permanent inhabited bases on the Moon. NASA and SpaceX also have direct ambitions for colonization of MARS. It is not expected that living critters will greet them at either venue. But, there certainly could be unexpected life forms clinging to these diverse habitats. 
Scientists are scrambling to preserve samples of the dust on the surface of Mars before the flood of colonists contaminate it forever. The Mars 2020 rover is set to launch from Cape Canaveral in July of 2020 and it will carry test tubes designed to preserve these samples from contamination by future microbes brought from Earth. NASA does not even know if the sample containers will ever be returned to Earth because sample return missions are so difficult and expensive. They only know this may be the last chance to preserve soil samples on Mars and they are giving it their best shot. CNSA and ESA the European Space Agency both have their own Mars rover missions set to launch in 2020 as  well!
Our exploration of the solar system is under way. We have no Idea how the events will unfold but the adventurers of the human species are going after it right now. Freeman Dyson says there are all different sorts of possible life forms hiding in the solar system. We have not found any because our reconnaissance is just beginning and our technology is under development. If we find no other life then space will be considered free for the taking. If alien life is discovered, then who knows what will happen?
A continuing dialog is surely needed but who will be involved? The commercial space sector is not guided by the same drivers as national space agencies. There are laws and policies which can not be enforced off Earth. What made lawmakers think they can dictate to the future anyway? Asteroid mining alone can produce more wealth than even the science fiction dreamers have ever dreamed. The future of space exploration is so exciting already that all we can do is thank the creators of Star Trek from the bottom of our hearts for helping prepare us for the future that is to come.


Planetary Society Interview with Freeman Dyson

Stardate 12/11/2019

Margaret asks, “What new technologies are making us more self-sufficient?” Why is it necessary to be self-sufficient in these areas? How will this help us progress as humans and as explorers?

There is a very good reason for thinking rocket technology makes us more self sufficient. Even though conserving the natural environment is vitally important to us on Earth, it cannot be our only endeavor. We can protect the diverse species until our eyes pop out, but eventually an asteroid is going to come and wipe it all out. 
If we develop rocket technology now we will be positioned to defend the Earth from unexpected asteroid strikes. If we survive that long then an alien race from elsewhere can arrive and devour us and take over our civilization. Really really good spacecraft technology will be able to protect us when that eventuality actually happens. 

If we survive all that then our Sun is going to run out of nuclear fuel and puff up into a red giant and destroy the Earth. Then it will blow off its outer layers and scorch the remaining cinder to a crisp. This will be some billions of years in the future but we will want to have our technological solutions set in place before the end. And this is only one of the reasons we need to develop rocket technology right now.

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